Products and solutions

Wind turbine blade bolt sleeve prefabrication line

The assembly line is independently developed by our company and is the first line in the industry to realize the manufacture of wind turbine blade screw sleeve products through automation. The line adopts flexible design and can realize the flexible production of all screw sleeve.

1different types of screw sleeve automatically on line, through the robot positioning grasp placed in the sand blasting machine.

2、The blasting machine automatically blasts the screw sleeve and detects the roughness.

3、The robot grabs the sandblasted qualified products and goes to the yarn winding station for automatic yarn winding.

4. The robot automatically discharges the wound yarn and completes the reel.

The core difficulty of this line is to solve the automatic sandblasting and testing of the screw sleeve, glass fibre winding and knotting, automatic glue injection and other processes. And through the production line level quality tracking system to effectively monitor the parameters of the product process, the indicators parameters and products on the code, easy production management, later check.
